Aalok Pant
Male, 19 years
[email protected]
Secondary level
Teaching Experience:
1 Years
Teaching Location:
Student's home or My own place
About Me
I have a year of experience of teaching students up to seventh standard. I used to cover subjects like Math , Science, Nepali, English, Occupation and Health. Since my mother herself is a teacher, I used to observe her and help her in her tuition classes. I have been giving tuitions independently, since I studied in class 9.
I myself am an academically well performing student. So, along with teaching the subjects, I can help you learn tips and tricks to study better and score more.
Considering the situation of pandemic, I am open to teaching through virtual platforms like google meet, zoom, messenger and so on.
म आठ क्लासमा भएदेखि मेरो मम्मी, जो आफै पनि शिक्षिका हुनहुन्छ, उहालाई tuition पढाउन मदत गर्थ। मैले आफै Tuition पढाउन थालेको चै म ९ क्लासमा हुदा देखि हो। म ७ क्लाससम्म पढ्ने भाइबहिनिहरुलाई Math , Science, Nepali, English, Occupation and Health जस्ता बिषय पढाउन सक्छु।
म आफै पनि पढाइमा एकदम मेहेनत गर्ने बिद्यार्थी भएकाले तपाइलाई यी बिषयहरु पढाउन साथसाथै कसरी राम्ररी पढ्ने र राम्रो अंक ल्याउने भन्ने कुरा सिक्न मदत गर्न सकछु।
अहिले कोरोना भएका कारण म तपाइलाई virtually, meet, zoom, messenger बाट पनि पढाउन सक्छु।