Ravindra Adhikari

Ravindra Adhikari
Male, 28 years
Contact: 9865543381
Education: Bachelors Degree (Pursuing)
Teaching Experience: 1 Years
City: Kathmandu
Teaching Location: Student's home
About Me Hello! I'm Ravindra, and pursuing my Bachelor of Business Administration at Pokhara University.I am passionate about helping students improve in academic subjects. I have extensive tutoring experience in a variety of fields. My areas of expertise are Computer, Finance, Account, Digital Marketing. As a Business, Management student I have special commutation skill, I believe that to teach anything to anyone first one must be able to communicate. My teaching style is both efficient and simple. I will explain complete topic covering all the key learning points.I will assist you not only academic learning but also practical learning. Please email me at [email protected] with any requests or questions!